Everyday is a great day to live a life well lived. So, here it goes, it’s as simple as: Gratitude, Prioritize, and Observing Boundaries. Make Gratitude a Daily Habit.Grateful people are continually viewing the circumstances around them as opportunities, they’re thankful, extend grace to others (and themselves), they laugh and smile. They’re fun to be around and uplifting. If you’re not personally feeling overly grateful; try looking for something beautiful everyday. During a particularly hard season of life, I made a game out of seeking out beauty in the world around me. Sometimes it was spotting a cardinal, the giggle of a child, the kind words of a stranger, a rainbow in the sky, or a hug from a trusted friend. When your eyes are opened to the beauty in the world around you; you’ll also become more aware of the folks in your life who could use a little help. Give others the benefit of the doubt, maybe they need help finding something beautiful? Maybe they need a meal delivered or a gas gift card? Practice being grateful everyday. Make Gratitude a Daily Habit.When life gets really busy around me, I consider canceling activities that bog down our family schedule. I encourage you to keep appointments for your annual physical, vision screening, and dental cleanings. If you have a family history of an illness, disease, or cancer; its ok to push for additional screening or testing. In the Fall, me and the husband had back to back colonoscopies because of our family histories of cancer. It was awesome! No seriously, it wasn’t bad at all! Remember to balance your diet. Eat like your life depends on it, because it does. Supplements can be a great way to fill in some nutritional gaps. Don’t forget the importance of moving your body and getting a little exercise. It could just be parking farther from the entrance of the grocery store, picking up sticks in the yard, going on a bike ride or a walk. Just move, it’s good for your heart and your muscles… and your mind! Lastly, prioritize your sleep. Create a healthy bedtime routine, and allow your body to recharge. Prioritizing your health isn’t selfish, it’s imperative to your quality of life. Make Gratitude a Daily Habit.Without boundaries life can feel out of control. One thing blends into the next, and it’s easy to feel taken advantage of. In my household, when my kids gave up naps, I instituted “BOB time”. I stole it from my childhood camp days. “BOB” stood for “Body On Bunk/Bag” In our house, the last B stands for Bed. I needed some time to get laundry folded, start planning supper, hear myself think, you know, “mom stuff.” BOB time created a boundary in our home that said, “you may stay awake, but you must stay on your bed”. Boundaries you may need to set might be financial (operating within a budget), interpersonal (is there a friendship bringing you down?), or it may be that you need to delegate more responsibilities (household, work, or community involvement). Whatever it is in your life that is requiring boundaries, you will thank yourself after you’ve set them. Cheers to a better quality of life this Summer! What tips do you have for improving your quality of life? Sara Lynn, RN, BSN “If you don’t invest in your health, no one else will.”
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